When in doubt, it is exceptionally hard to examine the market utilizing only one pointer. Be that as it may, there are numerous realities when various pointers utilized all the while give clashing signs to begin exchanging. 

The "Senior's three screens" technique is appropriate not just as a helper channel that decides the pattern, yet in addition as a different exchanging idea. This strategy is pertinent in all business sectors and exchanging meetings. Senior's exchanging system is an exhaustive way to deal with applying the three graphs of the resource chose for exchanging with various time periods. 

Technique Features 

The technique depends on separating exchanging tasks by the biggest time span and distinguishing the right sections by the more modest. This methodology causes a dealer to accomplish an enormous benefit with the least danger. The "three screens of Elder" framework joins pattern markers and inverse oscillators. It is this arrangement of instruments that makes it conceivable to effectively channel disadvantageous exchanges. 

The author of the Three Screen exchanging procedure contrasted the forex market and the sea, which waves structure the tides (upswing) and low tides (downtrend). The time of predominance of the upturn in the market is the hour of acquisition of the resource. When the downtrend overwhelms, this is the hour of deals. A particular market "quiet" is a level value development. In such a period, it is smarter to forgo exchanging. 

The primary screen should show the entirety of the above economic situations. The subsequent screen serves to decide the underlying wave movement in the latest thing. All in all, this is the assurance existing apart from everything else when the revision closes and the following pattern development starts. 

The third screen is utilized by the dealer to precisely enter the exchange with setting the base security stop misfortune. 

Time period Selection 

What is the ideal time span to decide for exchanging? The Three Screens exchanging system is all inclusive - the time span should be resolved relying upon the exchanging style. The primary concern is that the time timespan ensuing graph should be multiple times not exactly the past one. 

The diagram in the middle is the primary one. For long haul exchanging it is D1. It will show the value development in this time span. On the screen on the left there is the value development with the time span W1, on the right - H4. The month to month number of open exchanges is close to 3. Nonetheless, the benefit got is not out of the ordinary huge. 

Dealers who favor medium-term exchanging ought to investigate the screens showing the resource's cost on H4, H1, M15 screens. For this situation, the quantity of exchanges will be a lot bigger, which can build benefits a few times. However, this additionally expands the quantity of bogus signs to enter the market. 

Scalping lovers ought to pick M30, M5, M1 time periods for this system. The above arrangement of spans is warning. Whenever wanted, utilizing individual exchanging experience, every broker can pick different time spans for himself. 

The pith of the system of Alexander Elder's "Three screens" 

This exchanging technique accommodates the underlying assurance of the course of value development on the primary screen with the most noteworthy time span. The markers set here fill in as a channel, giving introductory signs for exchanges. As a marker, MACD with normal settings is utilized. The decrease in its sections decides the descending pattern, particularly when the MACD crosses the zero imprint start to finish. Rising bars show the presence of an upswing, specifically, when the histogram crosses the zero imprint from base to top. 

The strength of the pattern is dictated by the point of the histogram to the zero imprint - the bigger it is, the quicker the pattern is developing (diminishing), and the more prominent the overall revenue. Now and again, MACD may give bogus signs to enter the market. To limit them, an extra channel is viably applied - EMA 13: 

At the point when the cost of a resource is over this moving normal, the merchant should zero in on buys; 

In the event that value development happens beneath the EMA, just deals should be thought of; 

While moving sideways, it is more astute to shun all exchanges. 

It happens that clashing signs come from MACD and EMA 13. At that point moving normal signs are viewed as greater need. In any case, it is smarter to stand by until the signs of these markers match. 

The second screen in the Alexander Elder's exchanging framework serves to screen the finish of the pattern remedy on a more modest time period. This happens after the recognizable proof of the fundamental pattern development in a more established time span. Consequently, utilizing the subsequent screen, a broker who has settled on buys (deals) is searching for a second for ideal passage into the exchange by setting a wellbeing stop misfortune at the very least. It is for this time period that a stochastic oscillator is introduced. 

On the off chance that you are searching for a positive second for buys, you should stand by until the "stochastic" leaves the oversold zone. 

When selling, you should trust that the oscillator will leave the overbought zone. Apprentice dealers can utilize two screens for exchanges. The third screen for the most part suits experienced merchants. On it, merchants decide a considerably more precise snapshot of opening requests. Pointers are not needed here. For this situation, the moved buy or deal strategy is judicious. 

Its quintessence can be considered with a particular model. In the wake of examining the market circumstance on the higher time spans, the merchant infers that there is an expanding pattern, and the "stochastic" has just left the oversold zone. At that point on the third screen you should set the forthcoming Buy Stop somewhat higher than the limit of the past light. 

In the event that it doesn't work, you have to move it to the following limit of the recently shut flame. This technique can be rehashed until the request is set off. When this occurs, set your stop misfortune just beneath the low of the last two bars. 

On account of deals, everything happens precisely the inverse. A Sell Stop request is comparatively moved until it gets dynamic, after which a security stop misfortune is quickly set. 

The measure of benefit from exchanges is determined in a few different ways. One of the most mainstream is the point at which the separation between the open cost and stop misfortune increased by 3 is estimated on the diagram of the resource from its present cost. Along these lines, objectives are multiple times higher than potential misfortunes. After about a large portion of the value made a trip to the objective, the security request is moved to breakeven. A few merchants utilize a following stop for this. 

Among others, there is another alternative for fixing benefit utilizing the Stochastic Oscillator. Requests are shut right now the "stochastic" leaves the overbought or oversold zone on the subsequent screen. 

Various dealers who favor long haul exchanging close beneficial exchanges, zeroing in on the primary screen. This happens following the contrary sign has shaped. Despite the fact that the quantity of fruitful exchanging activities is decreased, the benefit is a charming amazement for merchants. 


The exchanging technique "Three screens of Elder" has a base danger level with a fairly high benefit. For a long time, this exchanging strategy has held its notoriety. It is tried by time, since it conforms to the primary standard of the unfamiliar trade market - following the pattern.